Servidora do IQ visita o CSGI como parte do Programa de Mobilidade da Unicamp

A servidora da Secretaria de Apoio à Pesquisa do IQ, Alessandra Garbellini, visitou o CSGI (Center for Colloid and Surface Science), na Itália, em julho de 2024, como parte do Programa para Mobilidade Internacional da Unicamp. Este CSGI é um consórcio de pesquisa interuniversitário dedicado à pesquisa básica e ao desenvolvimento de novos processos de alta tecnologia em diversos campos científicos, sediado na Universidade de Florença – Itália.

Abaixo segue a notícia publicada pelo Centro em seu site, a respeito da visita:

CSGI has been delighted to host Ms. Alessandra Garbellini from the University of Campinas (Brazil) these past weeks, as part of an enriching mobility program. Ms. Garbellini’s visit has been a highlight for everyone involved, fostering the exchange of knowledge and understanding of grant management practices.

The collaborative sessions with Ms. Garbellini have been a great occasion to understand the similarities and differences in handling national and international projects in Brazil and Europe.

Beyond the professional exchanges, the visit has been marked by warm interpersonal connections, allowing us to gain a better understanding of the culture and perspective of a country that is far from ours.

Ms. Garbellini’s presence has undoubtedly strengthened the bonds between CSGI and UNICAMP. We are grateful for her visit and look forward to continuing this valuable partnership, with hopes of collaborating on new future projects.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ms. Garbellini for her visit and look forward to future opportunities for cultural exchange and mutual growth.


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