Home Eventos IQ - IQ Unicamp Programa de Seminários Seminários Modifying figures of merit in spectrophotometric flow analysis

Modifying figures of merit in spectrophotometric flow analysis

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Elias Ayres Guidetti Zagatto (CENA – USP)

Data: 16/03 (quinta-feira)
Horário: 16h00
Local: Auditório “Inés Joekes”

Resumo: Chemical derivatization (CD) involves the analyte conversion into a more easily measurable species, the derivative. Some key analytical figures of merit are then improved, notably sensitivity and selectivity. CD is efficiently accomplished in a flow analyzer, an excellent manager of fluidic zones and flowing streams. However, the required solution handling strategies may involve real-time modifications in flow rates and manifold geometry, which may increase the Schlieren effect, thus leading to noisy/drifting baseline and deteriorated analytical signals. Minimizing these anomalies is discussed in relation to confluence and single-line flow analyzers with UV-Vis spectrophotometric detection. Emphasis is placed on large-scale assays of agro-environmental and pharmaceutical samples, nature and concentrations of the color-former, buffer, and masking agents, real-time modifications in manifold architecture, expert flow analyzers, and adherence to the Green (and White) Analytical Chemistry. The concept of blank reagent carrier stream is proposed.

Short CV: Elias Ayres Guidetti Zagatto is Agronomical Engineer and M.Sc. in Nuclear Energy in Agriculture from ESALQ-USP (1971 and 1974) and Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from IQ- Unicamp (1981). He participated in internships at the Technical University of Denmark (1975-76) and at the Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research (1981) under supervisions of J. Ruzicka and G. Tölg, respectively. He is currently Full Professor at CENA-USP, Titular Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Associate Editor of BrJAC, etc.

In 1975, he participated in a historic moment in the progress of Analytical Chemistry, namely, the pioneering exploitation of flow injection analysis for large-scale analysis. Since then, his research has been focused on conceptual, methodological and  applicative developments of flow-based strategies for analyses of agronomic, industrial, pharmaceutical and environmental samples.
The relevance of his research is demonstrated by the numbers of published articles (194), meaning 7009 citations (h = 44, Fev. 2023), books (4), book chapters [6], academic supervisions (64), patents (3), presentations at events, scientific ollaborations, awards, etc.
Throughout his career, emphasis has always been given to valuing ethical, moral and spiritual aspects, aiming to develop, among students, colleagues and collaborators, the feelings of team spirit, intellectual freedom, creativity and, above all, friendship.

Transmissão para a Comunidade externa:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWDyllxttMU

The event is finished.

  • Instituto de Química da Unicamp
  • Rua Josué de Castro, s/n – Cidade Universitária, Campinas – SP, 13083-970.
  • (19) 3521-3000
  • (19) 3521-3023

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