Merging catalysis and nanoscience
Palestrante: Profa. Dra. Daniela Zanchet – IQ-UNICAMP
Abstract: Catalysis and Nanoscience share an intrinsic bond and are pivotal in addressing the enormous challenges outlined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set by the United Nations. Heterogeneous catalysts, such as metal-supported catalysts, are nanomaterials in which the exposed surface and the nature of the atomic sites determine the catalytic properties. The development of nanotechnology over the past 25 years provides us with tools to observe and manipulate at the nanoscale, bringing the opportunity to design more realistic model catalytic systems and enabling detailed characterization under reaction conditions. Our research group has been working in heterogeneous catalysis and nanomaterials, following the synthesis-advanced characterization-catalytic performance approach. Our focus lies on strategic reactions such as the chain of reactions to produce H2 (catalytic reforming reactions of renewable sources, water-gas shift, and preferential oxidation of CO), CO2 conversion, and the upgrading of biomass derivatives. In this talk, I will discuss this fascinating match between Catalysis and Nanoscience, presenting recent examples and opportunities.