Home Eventos IQ - IQ Unicamp Seminários Mechanistic investigations in light-driven synthetic chemistry. From direct photochemistry to organophotoredox catalysis

Mechanistic investigations in light-driven synthetic chemistry. From direct photochemistry to organophotoredox catalysis

Palestrante:  Prof. Dr. Luca dell’Amico – Università Degli Studi Di Padova


Abstract: In this presentation, I will focus on two different topics from my research group, moving from direct photochemistry to photoredox catalysis. 1. We have performed in-depth mechanistic investigation on light-mediated [2+2] heterocycloaddtions, that have allowed us to gain control of the diastereoselectivity of this process.[1] We were able to deliberately switch the stereochemistry by just selecting the light-source from UV- to visible-light. 2.We have identified a new family of photosensitiser, characterized by a short S1-T1 gap. We observed an increased selectivity in the strain-release functionalization of azabyclic (ABB) scaffolds, granting access to highly functionalized azetidine scaffolds.[2].We have developed two new classes of photoredox catalysts (PCs) capable of activating diverse types of redox inert substrates. To do so, we have used i) a catalytic proton-coupled electron-transfer (PCET) manifold;[3] and ii) an unconventional dynamic photocatalytic mechanism.[4].[1] Mateos J. et al. Nat. Synth. 2022, 2, 26–36. [2] Rodriguez et al. Nat. Catal. 2024, 7, 1223. [3] Bortolato, T. et Al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 1835–1846. [4] Rosso, C. et al. ChemRxiv, 2024, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-dgxlp.


Luca dell’Amico is a Representative for the Department of Chemical Sciences in the Equal Opportunities Commission of the U. Padova, Italy; National scientific habilitation to full professorship (2023:); Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry at the U. Padova, Italy (2022);ERC-Starting Grant 2021 (European Research Cuncil) (2022); Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (2020); Giacomo Ciamician Medal from the Italian Chemical Society (2019); Assistant Professor in Organic Chemistry at the U. Padova, Italy (2016). Post-doctoral work (Marie-Curie fellow) at ICIQ, Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Melchiorre working on the development of novel stereoselective light-driven processes (2014-2015); PhD in Organic Chemistry from Parma University, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Franca Zanardi working with stereoselective synthesis of biologically active compounds (2014); 10 months-research stay during PhD work at the Center for Catalysis of Århus University, Denmark, working with organocatalysis under the supervision of Prof. Karl Anker Jørgensen (2013); MSc in Organic Chemistry from Parma University, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Casiraghi working in medicinal chemistry (2010).


Prof. Responsável: Igor Dias Jurberg

The event is finished.

  • Instituto de Química da Unicamp
  • Rua Josué de Castro, s/n – Cidade Universitária, Campinas – SP, 13083-970.
  • (19) 3521-3000
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